Konza City

Few Kenyans were taken seriously when top government officials unveiled plans to create Konza City, a shilling 1.5 trillion tech city in Machakos, 60 kilometres southeast of Nairobi, in 2008.

Work on the project began in January 2013, but a tour of the site raises more concerns than it answers, with the unfinished eight-story building amid a bleak desert serving as the sole sign of progress on a project that aims to make Kenya a regional technology centre.

Kenya claims Konza would create 100,000 employment and invest $1 billion into the Kenyan economy each year when it is completed in four five-year phases by 2020. Hundreds of global technological companies will be based in Konza City, which will also have a world-class fibre optic network running across its commercial and financial district.

Konza City
Start Up:
Market Sector:
Technology City
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