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Who We Are

In our contemporary world, it suffices to know that construction in cities is decided through technocratic procedures, in offices and on plans, without taking into account, in the least, the way in which human beings relate to things - by their history, by their carnal body - to understand the malaise of our cities and our architecture.

And nothing shows it, moreover, better than a reflection on the house and the way it is built . Heidegger rightly opposed to the supporters of the Charter of Athens, that the house is not “a simple vessel in which to live”. Today, we see this technical dream of the machine-house flourish again through ecological housing , which we think systemically as a place for the circulation of energies: a well-calculated solution to environmental problems. However, a home can indeed be a very successful living machine, it can be a sophisticated and very comfortable shelter, without being a real house.

In short, for us, architecture, which is a container , is also a place of exchange and above all a language to reveal the world. It gives space its dynamic; it gives the world its visibility . It also serves to introduce human beings into the world, to register them there. It gives us to understand how man is humanized .

This human relationship with the things of life makes us aware that a building is not designed for a single function, a single environment and a single period. The result is the importance of the dimension of time that architecture carries with it. This would amount to considering the architectural work as a work in a process of continual adaptation to the liking of social and technological changes.

To say it with simple words, stripped of all frills, we are there, architects to transmit to our clients the energy of transformation, the energy of a liberated work.

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